Welcome to the Europa IT Blog!
The more our business grows, the more we want to be able to offer our customers. In this case it goes beyond offering a new service or a nifty gadget. We want to offer information (after-all we are an information technology company, right?). This is where the idea of the Europa IT Blog was born!
We intend to provide interesting articles that both educate and entertain our amazing customers! Brattleboro can be a tough place at times to stir up technology conversation, but it is such an exciting and ever-changing field, it is important to stay in the know. Things can be done easier, sometimes there are threats we are unaware of, and sometimes things are just downright cool. That is the essence of technology.
We hope you will join us in the conversation. Tell us your thoughts on the latest and greatest technologies. Ask us questions! Or simply tell us you don't like technology and you want to live in a stick hut (may be hard to join the conversation if you are in-fact in a stick hut), but in any case we hope to hear from you.